Some children approach a first visit to the dentist with excitement. It is a new adventure that they are happy to go on. Other kids feel anxious about the first trip to the dentist. All of the unknowns of a new experience can make the looming appointment feel scary. No matter where your child falls on the continuum of emotion about going to the dentist, there are some things you can to do prepare him or her for that first visit.
Model good oral care behavior
So many of the reactions your child has and emotions your child feel are based off of your behavior. Your children watch what you do and often unknowingly imitate your actions. Parents are often painfully aware of this fact. When it comes to taking your child to the dentist, you can use this to your advantage. Model good oral care behavior to your child – it may inspire him or her to imitate that behavior. Make sure you speak positively about your own experience at the dentist so your child knows that you care enough about your own oral health to go to your routine appointments. When you have an upcoming dental appointment of your own, mention it to your child to normalize the process.
Talk about the reasons for regular visits to the dentist
Depending on the age of your child, it can help to talk about the reasons for regular visits to the dentist. Getting routine dental care can prevent painful problems like decay and gum disease. Professional cleaning can keep teeth looking shiny and white. Your child’s teeth change a lot throughout childhood so it is important to have a dentist who keeps an eye on those changes. Having an age-appropriate conversation with your child about the dentist can help him or her understand the importance of regular visits.
Let your child take a virtual tour of the dental office
If your child is having anxiety about going to the dentist for the first time – or switching to a new dentist – it may help to familiarize him or her with the physical surroundings of the office. You can take your child on a virtual tour of the Dental Remedies office so he or she knows what type of environment to expect for that first visit. You can also show your child pictures of Dr. Singh and the dental assistants who work in the office. A few minutes on the Dental Remedies website can help calm your child’s nerves and prepare him or her for a visit to the dentist.
The steps outlined above can help prepare your child for a visit to the dentist. There may still be some anxiety and apprehension even if you do everything suggested. Ultimately, your child’s oral health is a priority and going to routine dental appointments is essential for good oral care. Dr. Singh and staff have experience working with kids that have some fear about going to the dentist. You can come to the appointment confident that your child will be treated with patience and gentleness the entire time.
Call 904-440-0200 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.