Good nutrition has all-around positive impacts on overall health, not only physically but psychologically and emotionally as well. A healthy diet can decrease your risk of various diseases and other conditions that can lead to disease. But did you know that you can improve your nutrition and improve your oral health as well? Making positive changes to your nutrition is worth the effort – it will have an immediate and lasting impact on your oral health.
Sugar is just plain bad for you – especially your oral health. All different types of sugar can lead to tooth decay, which can cause gum disease, cavities, and tooth loss. If you’re not sure if something is a sugar-in-disguise, look at the last few letters of the ingredient…if it ends in -ose, it’s probably sugar. Sucrose? Sugar. Fructose? Sugar. Glucose? You guessed it…sugar. If you’re ready to make positive changes to your nutrition, it’s important that you know how to properly read an ingredient label so you can reduce sugar intake.
Good nutrition is not just about what you shouldn’t eat or drink – it’s equally as important to know what you should incorporate into your diet. Colas, for example, are a highly acidic drink. Not only is the acid bad for your gut and overall health, but it causes significant erosion on your teeth. Increasing your water intake prevents your teeth from exposure to the damaging acids of colas and helps rinse away excess sugar or food particles which can cause decay and gum disease.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, especially when they’re raw, are vital components of a healthy diet. The vitamins and minerals acquired are not just lower in sugar than processed foods…they strengthen your immune system as well. A strong immune system helps you fight illnesses such as gum disease when coupled with appropriate treatments and other preventive measures. Foods like fish, nuts, lean meat, and eggs are high in phosphorus, another example of mineral-rich choices that can lead to strong teeth. Foods that are high in vitamin C like fresh oranges are great for gum health, in addition to keeping your immune system strong.
Calcium is a mineral necessary for life – and a crucial mineral when it comes to your oral health. Increasing your calcium intake through milk, yogurts, and healthy cheeses will strengthen your teeth and gums, decreasing the risk of chips, cracks, and other issues that might require reconstructive dental work.
Making healthy choices when it comes to nutrition will start a chain reaction in many areas of your life. Choosing to consume nutritious foods and drinks can help you feel better physically, improve your sleep, and improve your oral health. If live in the St. Augustine area and need a caring, qualified dentist to come alongside you in your journey towards better overall and oral health, contact Dental Remedies today for a personal consultation.
Call 904-440-0200 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.