Who Is The Best Children’s Dentist in St. Augustine FL?

When it comes to convincing children that a crucial step in achieving good oral health is to go to the dentist a couple times a year, you may have to look at the situation from a child’s perspective in order to drive your point home. Afterall, candy and treats are a pretty big deal to a kid and a dentist seems to be on the side of no sugar. You want your child’s first experiences with a dentist to be positive so they will feel comfortable going to their dental appointments and so they will continue to do so long after they can drive themselves.

Explaining the importance of oral health

Being upfront and detailed about why oral health is important is a great way to show your children how to keep their mouths healthy.

  • Talking about the bacteria that can get out of hand in the mouth if left unbrushed and the damage they can cause in the form of cavities, which can be painful.
  • Teach your child to alert you if their teeth feel sensitive or painful.
  • Talk about how to brush and how long to brush. Even using a two minute timer or turning on a song that is about two minutes long so that everyone brushes for at least this length of time.
  • Showing your child pictures of what tooth decay can look like is a great way for your child to get a visual idea of what could happen if their teeth are not properly cared for.
  • Explain that no matter how well we take care of our teeth, it is important for a dentist to still take a look and remove any hard plaque that may have developed.

Experienced with children’s dentistry

Picking the best children’s dentist is St. Augustine is important because you want your child to associate a friendly, helpful staff, a soothing waiting room, and the possibility of getting a new toothbrush with good oral health. Setting up a consultation with the dentist so your child can check out the place before being confined to a dental chair is an excellent way to allow your child time to get comfortable with the dentist.

Be sure the dentist office you choose has plenty of experience working with children and takes the time to explain things to your child to help ease their minds if they get a little worried.

If you are in St. Augustine and are wanting the best children’s dentist for your child, give Dental Remedies a call to set up the initial consultation or simply bring your child along on your appointment. Dental Remedies will see the entire family so your child will feel comfortable and at ease at their regular dental appointments.

We can’t wait to meet you

Call 904-440-0200 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.