Establishing healthy habits and routines is extremely important for children. Whether it’s learning to choose fruits and vegetables over sugary, processed foods or teaching the importance of regular exercise in daily life, it’s vital that patterns for health and wellness are taught and modeled for them at a young age. In the midst of teaching, modeling, feeding, and shuttling kids around town like a taxi driver, it can be challenging to keep up with all the important life lessons children need…but oral health is one that absolutely shouldn’t fall by the wayside. Here’s why you need to be consistent with dental visits for your child:
In a world where many adults fear going to the dentist, it’s important to establish a good relationship between your child and their dentist at a very young age. Maintaining a regular routine of dental checkups will help the child know what to expect and will make them feel more comfortable with the dentist and experience as a whole. Teaching children to have a good relationship with the dentist is a great way to ensure they have a positive view of dental care for the rest of their life.
Parents should certainly bear the majority of the burden when it comes to teaching good oral hygiene to children – after all, one of the most important ways children learn is from the behavior their parents model on a regular basis. Even so, it’s also important that parents have someone in their corner to come alongside them in teaching habits for kids to have strong, healthy teeth. Consistency is key – your dentist will build on different facets of oral hygiene in each appointment as your child grows and develops. Stick with it and make those twice-yearly appointments to ensure you establish good oral hygiene habits that will last a lifetime.
It is much easier to treat a small cavity, caught early on, than deal with a big one or multiple cavities. Not only is it easier, but it’s likely to be much less painful for your child and for your wallet…! Staying consistent with dental checkups for your child will ensure that problems are caught in the early stages so they can be treated and resolved as quickly and painlessly as possible. Regular dental visits are also important when it comes to early detection of orthodontic issues – x-rays and exams allow the dentist to keep an eye out for potential problems so a child can be referred to an orthodontist as early as possible.
Consistency in routine is vital for a child to thrive in many aspects of life – and it’s no different when it comes to oral health. Being consistent with regular dental visits is one of the best ways you can establish healthy patterns and good habits that will have a positive impact on your child for the rest of their life. If you live in the St. Augustine area and are looking for a practice that offers children’s dentistry, check out Dental Remedies for a top-notch dental experience your child will love.
Call 904-440-0200 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.