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Get the Help You Need to Transform Your Smile

Get the Help You Need to Transform Your Smile | Dental Remedies
June 10, 2021

The process of transforming your smile can include a number of interventions. There are many ways that your teeth can get damaged and start looking less than their best over time. The good news is that there are several dental procedures that your dentist can provide to transform your smile. If you want to repair surface damage, remove stains, restore function, and address problems with your teeth – your dentist can help.

Repair surface damage

Surface damage to your teeth includes cracks, chips, and decay. Injury and other types of trauma can cause both chips and cracks. Decay can be caused by a mix of factors including poor dental hygiene, low-quality diet, and genetics. If you have surface damage it can cause you to feel self-conscious about your smile. A dentist can help you repair surface damage with procedures such as porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns, and esthetic bonding.

Remove stains

Surface stains on teeth are common because the foods and drinks you consume have things in them that can lead to stains. You can prevent some surface stains with a consistent and high-quality oral care routine. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to completely avoid all surface discoloration. You can, however, get rid of surface stains with the help of in-office teeth whitening. Professional teeth whitening can remove multiple layers of surface stains in as little as one treatment. If the stains on your teeth are bothering you, reach out to your dentist to get the help you need.

Restore function

Restoring the function of your teeth can transform the way your smile looks and make your life a lot easier. For example, missing teeth can negatively impact both the function and appearance of your smile. Getting a dental implant can restore function to the same level as your natural teeth and blend in seamlessly. A dentist who offers reconstructive services can provide you with options that restore function so you can eat and talk normally once again.

Address problems

Problems such as periodontal disease, tooth decay, and infection can all negatively impact your smile. Gum disease can cause your gums to bleed, look inflamed, and eventually recede. Tooth decay can eat away at your teeth causing them to deteriorate and look unhealthy. Infection can cause you to feel unwell and eventually start impacting the structures – roots, bone, gums – in your mouth. You cannot feel your best about your smile if your mouth is feeling unwell for any reason. Your dentist can help address any painful problems that are preventing you from having your best smile.

In St. Augustine, FL, you can get the help you need to transform your smile from the team at Dental Remedies. Dr. Singh and her staff will work with you to get you a smile that is healthy and you can be proud to show off.

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Healthcare has always been a passion of Dr. Shanta Singh’s. A lover of technology, education and fitness, Dr. Singh realized from an early age that her true calling lay in the field of dentistry.


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