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Four Actions that Will Keep Your Children’s Oral Health on Track

Four Actions that Will Keep Your Children’s Oral Health on Track | Dental Remedies
September 8, 2020

Keeping your children’s oral health on track is not a complicated process but it does take consistency. The reward of being consistent about your children’s oral care is that you will set them up for a lifetime of good oral health. There are four actions you can take that can help you get and keep your children’s oral health on track: develop the habit of brushing early on, make flossing a normal part of the routine, establish a good relationship with the dentist, and provide a diet high in nutritious foods.

Develop the habit of brushing early on

Brushing is a cornerstone habit for good oral health. Throughout the day your children eat and drink things that leave particles on their teeth. Bacteria also regularly build up in your child’s mouth. Brushing removes many of the particles and bacteria that accumulate. It is important to help your child brush regularly because a buildup of food particles and bacteria can lead to painful decay and gum disease. Helping your children develop the habit of brushing early on is an important part of keeping their oral health on track.

Make flossing a normal part of the routine

Flossing is an oral hygiene task that many adults struggle to do consistently. It can seem less important than brushing because it doesn’t have an immediate impact on the way your teeth look. The reality is that flossing is extremely important. It removes food particles and bacteria that brushing simply cannot reach. Over time, skipping out on flossing can lead to decay and gum disease. You can help your children establish the important habit of flossing by making it just as essential to the daily routine as brushing. You may even want to have your child floss twice per day along with brushing as a way to really establish the habit. One tip to make flossing more fun is to purchase colorful individual flossers. Some companies make flossers that have fun designs and interesting flavors. Something as simple as a flosser shaped like a giraffe can make a big difference in how willing your child is to floss every day.

Establish a good relationship with the dentist

Going to the dentist is something your children will need to do throughout life. If you can help them establish a good relationship with the dentist now it can help set the tone for future interactions with the dentist. Ultimately, you want to make sure that going to the dentist for routine care is an overall positive experience. The dentist you choose for your kids will have a big impact on how they feel about the process. Find a dentist who works with children regularly to ensure that the environment and experience is kid-friendly.

Provide a diet high in nutritious foods

A high-quality diet can have a direct impact on the health of your children’s teeth. Nutritious food provides the vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for healthy teeth. A low-quality diet can make issues such as decay and gum disease more likely for you children. Feeding your children a diet that includes mostly nutritious foods can help protect the health of their teeth and establish a lifelong habit of eating well.

Keeping your children’s oral health on track with consistent effort is much easier than dealing with the consequences of subpar oral care. The effort you put in now to help your kids establish good oral care habits will benefit them throughout their lives. If you are looking for a dentist who regularly works with kids in St. Augustine and surrounding areas, check out Dr. Singh at Dental Remedies.

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Healthcare has always been a passion of Dr. Shanta Singh’s. A lover of technology, education and fitness, Dr. Singh realized from an early age that her true calling lay in the field of dentistry.


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