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Getting Help for a Dental Emergency in St. Augustine, FL

Dental Emergency in St. Augustine, FL
February 21, 2020

When you have a tooth that hurts, it always feels like a dental emergency. Tooth aches and tooth injuries can cause serious pain and it is important to have a dentist in St. Augustine, FL who can address your pain when you have a dental emergency. However, every ache and pain you have in your mouth does not rise to the level of being an emergency. Sometimes, that twinge of pain is your cue to call and schedule a checkup. In order to determine when to call your dentist and when to simply take an over-the-counter pain killer, you need to learn what constitutes a dental emergency. Once you learn that, you can find a dentist in St. Augustine who offers emergency dental care and learn the process of getting that help when you need it.

Learn what constitutes a dental emergency

There are two different types of dental emergencies: one that is related to pain due to some type of cavity or infection and one that is due to a sudden injury. The level of pain you will experience when you have a cavity or infection in your mouth can vary greatly. The pain may be nothing more than a twinge here and there or it could be so severe that you cannot function. A tooth ache that constitutes a dental emergency is one that is severely disrupting your life and does not respond to over-the-counter pain relief options. An emergency-level tooth ache will prevent you from concentrating, sleeping or eating normally.

A sudden injury to your teeth can also constitute a dental emergency. If you have a tooth that gets knocked out, it is a dental emergency. You need to seek out professional help as soon as possible. Likewise, getting a tooth knocked loose is a serious problem. A permanent tooth that gets knocked loose can become discolored and may even die off over time. Other injuries like chips and cracks are sometimes an emergency. The injury that causes the chip or crack may impact whether you need to head over to the dentist right away or make a regular appointment.

Find a dentist in St. Augustine, FL who treats dental emergencies

An important part of taking care of your teeth in a dental emergency is to get help right away. That is why it is essential for you to find a local dentist in St. Augustine, FL who offers emergency dental care. You want to have a place to go that is close to where you live, work, and play so you can get there quickly in the event of an emergency.

Dr. Singh at Dental Remedies offers emergency dental services to her patients. You can learn more about these services and schedule a time to get established as a patient on the My Dental Remedies website.

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Healthcare has always been a passion of Dr. Shanta Singh’s. A lover of technology, education and fitness, Dr. Singh realized from an early age that her true calling lay in the field of dentistry.


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