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February 11, 2021

It’s hard to dispute the importance of a beautiful smile; a sparkling white smile is a goal that many strive to attain and keep through lifestyle choices and professional intervention. While there are certainly aesthetic benefits to your teeth being straight, brilliant, and pearly-white, cosmetic dentistry has the potential to provide you with much more than just pretty teeth. 


One of the most significant benefits of cosmetic dentistry is increased self-confidence. Many people that struggle with crooked teeth, discoloration, or other significant damage to teeth attempt to hide these issues by refraining from smiling. This can have a detrimental effect internally, as the simple act of smiling can improve your mood and outlook on life. Furthermore, an unwillingness to smile and low self-confidence can negatively affect how others perceive you. Cosmetic dentistry affords you the opportunity to build a strong, healthy self-image and project that to those around you, positively impacting your relationships, social life, and potentially your career. 

Improved Diet and Health

Certain types of damage, such as cracked or missing teeth, can have a negative impact on one’s overall diet and nutrition. The inability to chew or pain while eating can discourage proper nutritional habits; this is a problem that anyone can struggle with but is particularly prevalent amongst the senior population. Proper nutrition strengthens the immune system to fight illness and disease and allows the body to function at its maximum potential. Cosmetic dentistry procedures can permanently repair damaged or missing teeth, allowing you to eat without pain and receive the nutrition your body needs. 

Prevention and Protection 

Cosmetic dentistry can protect teeth and prevent future damage. By addressing weakness in the structure of the teeth and covering areas that are exposed when they should be protected, teeth can be strengthened and fortified to ensure recurring problems are stopped and further damage does not occur. Oral health is intricately linked to your overall health, so taking the steps to protect and prevent damage to your teeth will also have a positive impact on the health of your body as a whole.

Financial Savings

While it may seem odd that spending money on a “cosmetic” procedure would save you money, it’s true. Protecting your teeth and preventing future problems could save you the cost of even more serious dental work down the road. In some cases where teeth are missing or cavities are open, cosmetic dentistry stops harmful bacteria from entering other parts of the body like the bloodstream, digestive tract, and respiratory system. These types of infections not only put your overall health at risk, but they could also cost a lot of money to treat and resolve. 

Though cosmetic dentistry may be touted as being all about aesthetics, nothing could be further from the truth. The aesthetic improvement is important for maintaining a positive self-image and building confidence, but the overall health benefits for the body itself are just as significant, if not more so. No matter what dental challenges you face, talk with your dentist about the cosmetic dentistry options that may be right for you. If you’re in the St. Augustine, FL area, call Dental Remedies for a new patient appointment and begin your journey to improved health and wellbeing today.

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Healthcare has always been a passion of Dr. Shanta Singh’s. A lover of technology, education and fitness, Dr. Singh realized from an early age that her true calling lay in the field of dentistry.


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